Registration is working .. now the garden

I worked for a couple of days to get the registration form for the CESL group working. It turned out to be a php version conflict based on the php that I was writing the form in and the php that the server supported. I had to call tech support (and I hate to have to solve problems that way) and they pointed me to the help page that I went to, then indicating that there was ANOTHER help page (with the same title) that I should have used. Fixed the problem and now the group registration form is working. This is a big step for me. The group registration form is the first step in being able to make a “Call for Programs” form and a “Conference Registration” form.

Debra Hilra has been invaluable in getting this center going. Besides the building, she has set up a working projection screen for PowerPoints, a white board for taking ideas from the audience, and is now working on coastline rocks and wave formation.

L1Aura Loire, Dahlia Mint, Leeah Vaher and Debra will be working on the landscaping. L1Aura brings a unique addition to the team in that has many artistic talents, one being her ability to transform virtual art into learning. She will add the garden and also bring in interactive pieces for visitor’s enjoyment.
